Software Engineer - iOS
Required skills
- Objective-C or Swift programming
- Front end development
- Software engineering & design
- Mobile product design sense
- XCode IDE and Instruments developer tools
Experience also desired in
- Static analysis
- Unit, integration, and systems level testing
- Development for Mac
UI / Web / Graphic Design
Expertise desired in following
- UI interaction design
- Interface wireframing and icon design
- Graphic design (for social & web media)
Major plusses include:
- HTML/JS knowledge
- Video production
- Marketing sense
Audio / Sound Design
Expertise desired in following
- Sound design
- DSP technology for realtime audio synthesis
- Familiarity with iOS-compatible synthesis libraries, including PureData or STK
- Acoustic instrument modeling
- Instrument sampling techniques in digital to analog
Email us if you're interested in any of the above opportunties.